Lipgloss and Lace
July 21st, 2022


We took a little family trip out to Vegas last week, and had so much fun! We hadn’t been there since the pandemic (or all together there since 2018).

The packing list this time around was definitely different; masks, hand sanatizer, Covid tests…but we wanted to stay safe, and in the end we did.

Our stay at the Bellagio was fabulous, and my favorite memories from the trip were all the laughs we had together. Those moments are always so special to me. Just the best! β™₯

Thanks for reading, see you Monday!


8 responses to β€œViva Las Vegas!”

  1. Lovely says:

    This looks like a fun trip. Love all your outfits.

  2. Jill says:

    Vegas is always a good time! It looks like an amazing trip! Love your green dress!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

  3. Janet says:

    I am so happy for you. Fun,loving memories are the best to create! These shots are all amazing and I am glad you stayed safe xx

  4. Marie says:

    Have a great time, dear!
    Love your outfits here!

  5. Danielle says:

    Such an amazing place!

    Danielle |

  6. Diana says:

    I am absolutely in love with your style, you have a fantastic idea and so much awesome outfit! Fanned!! Thanks for sharing such a great idea! Looking forward for the next post.

    Cottagecore Dresses Style Ideas

  7. Rashmi says:

    Looks like you guys had a great time…fun pictures…you look beautiful dear πŸ™‚
    Beauty and Fashion/Glamansion/Rampdiary

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