Lipgloss and Lace
November 14th, 2016

img_2342img_2334img_2347img_2345img_2361img_2352Sweater: Sanctuary | Turtleneck: 525 America | Leggings: H&M | Heels: Call it Spring | Glasses: Quay | Bag: Chanel

With Thanksgiving rightΒ around the corner (how can this be??), I’m alreadyΒ thinking ahead to next week and what I’ll beΒ wearing that day. It’s ironic because it usually is a warm day in Southern CA, but inside it can get a little chilly because the air conditioner is on full blast! Kind of breaks my heart a little that it will never be the freezing cold day I wish for…but I’ll always dress like it is, because hello…it’s Thanksgiving! I always loveΒ the idea of leather leggings too because of the obvious β†’ that elastic waistband.

Do you all know what you’re wearing for the big day? Or am I the only crazy one who has been thinking about this since Labor Day?! πŸ™‚


54 responses to “Turkey Talk”

  1. I was thinking the same thing about my leather leggings! I love the rust and black combo, perfectly fall!

    Whitney & Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  2. Victoria Fox says:

    How gorgeous do you look?? I love the idea of the elastic waistband! SO perfect! Looking so awesome!

  3. Lauren says:

    I LOVE this outfit! I’m definitely all about leggings on Thanksgiving!!

    By Lauren M​

  4. Kelly K says:

    This outfit is pretty much perfection for Thanksgiving! I love that burnt orange color!

  5. Andrea Nine says:

    I cannot believe turkey day is next week, love the title of this post! You look so beautiful in these warm, rich hues! Gimmie all the leggings and desserts, lol. Happy Monday gorgeous !

  6. Filipa Jackson says:

    Oh you look perfect, have a great week babe

    Filipa xxx | Instagram

  7. Olivia says:

    Ahhh I absolutely love this!!!! Everything looks amazing!! And that purse is beautiful!

    xo Olivia

  8. REBECCA says:

    Love this classy yet fun mix of layers!!!

    Please check out my latest collaboration with STYLEWE – a unique online platform of independent & cutting edge fashion designers from around the world!

    Happy Monday!


  9. Rachel says:

    Aw I love this outfit. It has Thanksgiving vibes all over it.
    Rachel xo

  10. Amy says:

    I have just been thinking about that too, and this is the perfect look! Leggings or loose dresses that allow for eating but are still stylish are always what I want.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  11. katelyn says:

    Nope, not crazy at all-lol I like your pant thinkig-smart yet comfy!

  12. Deena says:

    Love the zip up vest! Would be perfect for our climate!

  13. Rachel says:

    I have no idea how Thanksgiving can already be next week. Totally crazy. I love this Thanksgiving look, though! The sweater and turtleneck and the perfect colors for the holiday. Have a great start to the week, Shauna!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde’s Moment

  14. You look amazing hun! In love with your huge Chanel bag!
    Have a great week!

  15. rosie says:

    not joking when I read thanksgiving I was like perfect pants for it . . . elastic – I am sure here in NY it either will be HOT AS HELL or COLD AS THE ARCTIC . . . we have no in between. This is a perfect look

    Life is just Rosie

  16. Can we talk about how much I love the color of that top especially for Thanksgiving?! And YES to leather leggings and their amazing waistbands! Cheers to a fabulous week gurlie <3
    Green Fashionista

  17. Kelsey says:

    loving that vest! super chic look!

  18. Jennifer says:

    I love the bold colors and layers on this look! Such a cute outfit and I adore that vest!

    xo, Jennifer

  19. Courtney says:

    I love the color of your turtleneck! This is such a gorgeous outfit for Thanksgiving celebrations!

  20. Sophie says:

    Loving the outfit. The turtleneck and sweater go so well together.

  21. molly says:

    I’m obsessed with your hair! Love it πŸ™‚


  22. Shannon says:

    This sweater dress is too fabulous! Looks so cozy!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  23. Love the outfit! It looks so cozy. πŸ™‚

  24. Tamara says:

    Loving your outfit! leather leggings are always a winner! Happy early thanksgiving!


    Tamara –

  25. I’m loving this look! Elastic waistbands are a must on Thanksgiving!

  26. Maryam says:

    This is such a great outfit, I love how you’ve layered the pieces together. You look great!

    xo, Maryam

  27. This is the perfect Thanksgiving look! Comfortable AND stylish!

  28. Cielo says:

    Wonderful look! Love your leggings! =)

    – Cielo
    Mermaid in Heels

  29. Elise says:

    Shauna, you look like an Autumn Goddess in this outfit! Perfect for Thanksgiving. Let’s make a deal, we can trade places and you can come to Boston for that cold Thanksgiving you want and I can chill out in Southern CA! Plan? πŸ˜‰

    xx, Elise

  30. Sierra says:

    Loving this look, Shauna! I’m definitely going to be checking out those leggings.

  31. Ashley says:

    I have a vague idea what I’m wearing- probably going to strike a balance between cozy and casual. Love this look on you, babe!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  32. Meagan says:

    I almost bought the same sweater vest when I saw it go on sale! Great minds! πŸ™‚ Love how you styled it with leather leggings. I still can’t believe Thanksgiving is coming so soon!


  33. Jill says:

    I love your vest styled with the leather leggings! The rust and black is such a pretty fall combo!

    Doused In Pink

  34. Jessica says:

    I haven’t thought about what to wear for Thanksgiving. I love the leggings.

  35. Stella says:

    Wonderful look and bag!

    β™˜ β™˜

  36. Ruth says:

    I LOVE your leggings! So fabulous! It’s crazy that Thanksgiving is almost one week away!

  37. Ali says:

    Loved reading this. Please check out my latest winter trend alert!

    Kisses xo | From Aliona With Love

    Instagram @alionawithlove

    Twitter @alionawithlove

  38. Laura says:

    Gorgeous look! Perfect for Thanksgiving! Love the shades of brown!

  39. Sarah Bell says:

    Great outfit! LOVE the color combo πŸ™‚

    Sarah Bell
    Trendy & Tidy

  40. Abby says:

    Love everything about this look – from your hair, to that vest to the leggings!

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

  41. cathclaire says:

    I love EVERYTHING about how you styled this look! You are so fab! xo

    Cathclaire | The Crystal Press

  42. Christina says:

    Such a great look for Thanksgiving! I am loving the vest.

    xo, Christina

  43. MVAP Blog says:

    I am truly in love with your bag!!
    MΓ³nica Sors

  44. jess says:

    oooh! Shauna, I am loving this outfit, my favorite colors on you,and in fall! Love the whole look!
    Thanks for linking up with Turning Heads Tuesday!
    jess xx

  45. Love everything about this post! So cute!
    Love, Hadasah Love | Instagram @hadasahlove

  46. Michelle says:

    This is the perfect thanksgiving color palette & outfit!

  47. Jackie says:

    Loving all the layers babe! And your bag is amazing! We already had our thanksgiving over here in Canada but you better believe I was wearing comfy clothes. Elastic waistband are always a must! Lol

    xo, Jackie

  48. Kasi says:

    Love this fall look!, the colors are perfect And your hair!

    Kasi |

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