Lipgloss and Lace
December 12th, 2019

β™₯ Black bell sleeve top here

β™₯ MostΒ outrageousΒ Christmas light displays of all time (so fun!)

β™₯ What to drink when dealing with holiday after-dinner bloat

β™₯ Asking Santa for this faux fur coat (hello Valentine’s Day!)

β™₯ Holiday cookies outside of the box

β™₯ Wishing I had time to order this skirt before our Christmas party this weekend

β™₯ Bad Santa cocktail

β™₯ On the blog this time last year

Happy Weekend!! xoxo


8 responses to “Thursday Thoughts…”

  1. That top is just the cutest one! And those Christmas lights are just insane in the pics haha, but kind of cute! Xx

  2. Jill says:

    Love your red skirt and the sleeves on your top! Those Christmas light displays are incredible and that Bad Santa drink sounds delicious! Have a wonderful weekend!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

  3. Andrea Nine says:

    Always bringing it so festively girlfriend!! I am going to have to try that Digestiveifs drink, Have a super sweet weekend!!! xo

  4. Lee says:

    ahh i also want that faux fur coat from santa – tanks for sharing, its gorgeous!
    Lee | LegalLee Blonde

  5. Ok, this is the cutest photo! I literally just ordered a faux fur coat this morning! Tis the season!!


  6. sophie says:

    Your skirt is just everything. I really love it.

  7. I looooove your skirt! It’s gorgeous!

  8. Mica says:

    That skirt is just so pretty on you and perfect for Christmas! πŸ™‚ Thanks for sharing the links πŸ™‚

    Hope that you are having a great weekend πŸ™‚ We took the kids to see the new Frozen movie today and then out for lunch.

    Away From Blue | Handbag Gift Guide

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