Lipgloss and Lace
April 13th, 2017

Dress: Shoe Me Your MuMu | Heels: Steve Madden | Clutch: old (similar) | Glasses:Β Quay

Who else is shocked that Easter is already Sunday? (this year is flying by!). I love spending time with family on that day, and its always fun to wear a pretty dress to boot. This one is on my “I might wear this Sunday” list, because the colors are perfect for Easter, not to mention it’s super comfy too.

PS – I’ve been getting some questions on my tan lately, so I’ll share the secret – it’s tan from a can, people! I do it myself and have used it probably for the past 4 years? It’s my go-to all year round. You can order it off of Amazon, and it also just became available at Walmart too!

Thank you all for stopping by. Hope you enjoy this special weekend with family & friends!Β β™₯


28 responses to “Sunday Best”

  1. Ruth says:

    Such a cute dress and totally agree I can’t believe it’s like the middle of April??? I am thinking about trying out this tanning product because your tan always looks so good and not fake!

  2. Chloe says:

    I love this happy look! Lovely dress!

  3. mahryska says:

    such a cute dress hun!!
    kisses from the sandpit ❀︎

  4. Andrea says:

    I have an “I may wear Sunday” dress list too! lol. This one is spectacular on you. I love the aqua backdrop and you know what a sucker I am for beautiful off the shoulder!! You are one in a million babe!!! Happy Easter to your and your lovely family and Mr. Hope you all enjoy a beautiful day and weekend!!

  5. katelyn says:

    lol-tan from a can-it working well with your Easter Attire!

    Hoppy Easter,


  6. This dress is so cute and perfect for Easter Sunday! Your tan is always flawless!

    Whitney & Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  7. This dress is so effortlessly pretty, and perfect for Easter Sunday. And work it girl with that tan in a can. You look fabulous <3
    Green Fashionista

  8. Ada says:

    This dress is indeed a true contender for Sunday Best for Easter. Love it and that clutch too. I too am mystified by how fast this year has gone by.

    Welcome by today and join my brand-new Thursday Moda linkup. Thanks and Happy Easter Shauna!

    Ada. =)

  9. Elise says:

    I just ordered your tan in a can!! This dress gives me heart eyes! Love everything about it! Have a fabulous weekend Shauna!

    xx, Elise

  10. Rachel says:

    The perfect dress for Easter! The colors are spot on. I have no idea what I’m going to wear yet — they are forecasting 87 degrees here!! That’s like July weather for us haha! Hope you have a wonderful Easter and weekend, Shauna!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde’s Moment

  11. Deena says:

    Checking out your tan from a can and now I’m thinking that my previously picked out dress for Easter may have to be replaced with a snow suit…

  12. I am inlove with every piece in your outfit! Everything compliments each other! πŸ™‚

    Angelie // SkinDeep Lip and Cheek Tint Review

  13. Ashley says:

    Such a pretty spring dress- gorgeous and super Easter-ready!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  14. Brittany says:

    Obsessed with this dress! So perfect for Spring and Easter! And girl I literally use the same tan in a can πŸ™‚

    Brittany πŸ™‚

  15. Liz says:

    This is soooooo cute! But then again, all of your clothes are cute lol!


  16. I have been going the tan from the tan route, too! Although, I need to start doing it again since there is a wedding coming up that I’ll be attending. This look is def. Easter-perfect!! I am just glad Easter is late this year and not in March (March is alway so cold!).


  17. Virginia says:

    You really rock this mint color! I’m trying a new tan-in-a-can today so that I can wear my pastels this weekend with confidence! They just don’t look good on me without a tan!

    More to Mrs. E

  18. Marta says:

    This is such a pretty dress and definitely perfect for Easter! Thanks for sharing about the product you use for tanning, I seriously need a tan right now! Have a wonderful Easter weekend:)

  19. “It was a delighftful read, thank you for sharing this my dearest!!!

    Hadasah Love ||

  20. Meagan says:

    You always have the prettiest dresses! I keep forgetting it’s Easter this weekend since we’ve been so consumed with our move to Jordan. Thanks for sharing your tan secret with us!!


  21. Courtney says:

    Thank you for sharing your tanning secret!! I am so incredibly pale after this winter, that it’s a little hard to look at my legs because they’re blindingly white. Love your dress!

  22. Sofia says:

    That is such a cute dress πŸ˜€ Love it!!

    xx Sofia | SOFIAADOT

  23. What a perfect dress for Easter. I love the color, and of course, the off the shoulder cut! Have a wonderful weekend.

  24. What a wonderful spring dress darling! You look so stunning! Thanks for sharing your tan secret with us, I will check it out!
    Happy Easter!

  25. The says:

    The color is so so pretty! And perfect for easter indeed, have a lovely one babe! Xx

  26. Chloe says:

    This dress is definitely the perfect dress for Easter. The print is so cute and I love the off-the-shoulder detail. πŸ˜‰

    xo, Chloe //

  27. Marta says:

    Aww that dress is so pretty and feminine, I love it!

  28. Jill says:

    This year s already flying by! That dress is such a pretty print and perfect for Easter! I’m going to have to check out your tan in a can link! My legs are so pale!

    Doused In Pink

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