Lipgloss and Lace
January 12th, 2017

Coat: Laundry | Denim: old (similar) | Boots: Seven 7 | Glasses: Quay

Orange County has been getting a ton of rain lately, which means major snow in ourΒ mountains! I was so excited to find this coat for our trip up to Big Bear. It has all the snow bunny feels. I figured because it was white, it would probably be a little hard to photograph against the snow, but sometimes you just gotta pack for yourself and not the blog. Anyone else feel me on this struggle?

I hope you all have a great holiday weekend! It’s supposed to be nice here, so the plan is to take out my new electric bike that Santa brought me. πŸ™‚ A bike that basically powersΒ you up the hill while you barely pedal? OfficiallyΒ the best thingΒ ever. Not to mention it has a little basket and a bell, so it’s hard not to feel like a kid when I’m on it! -XOΒ 


36 responses to “Snow Bunny”

  1. First of all cutest snow bunny ever! Adore the crisp white and pretty pink boots! Second of all…your electric bike sounds sooooo cool! And gotta have the basket and bell! I think you should do a photo shoot with the bike, lol. Enjoy a fabulous weekend of sunshine you precious lady!!

  2. I have a very similar jacket and I love it! It just makes me feel like such a snow bunny! I love it with your pink hunter’s!! How fun is your bike!! I love that it has a basket and bell!!

  3. Loving the white coat against the snowy backdrop, so pretty! And that fun pop of color with the boots – gorgeous! <3
    Green Fashionista

  4. katelyn says:

    lol that bike sounds fantastic and the pictures are beautiful-you packed well!


  5. Melanie says:

    Your pink lipstick matches your boots so well! Makes your pictures pop! x

  6. Ashley says:

    This coat is so cute and cozy! Love the fur trim!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  7. Rachel says:

    This coat really does have all the snow bunny feels, it’s so cute! And I love how you paired it with the bright pink boots and lipstick and those bright sunglasses! Enjoy you long weekend and have fun with the electric bike!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde’s Moment

  8. Настя says:

    Wonderful and perfect! I follow you blog, please follow me too.

  9. Elise says:

    Snow bunny indeed! What a perfect coat for Big Bear! The white coat, pink boots, and mirrored sunnies are just pure perfection Shauna!

    xx, Elise

  10. Lola says:

    You look simply adorable! I love the coat, the white furry collar is so cute!

  11. amber says:

    i totally dress for myself and not the blog! the white looks great on you! love the brights in the winter time!

    Easy Petite Looks Blog

  12. rosie says:

    Oh you are just so adorable! Love the white coat and the pink hunters

    Life is just Rosie

  13. You do look like an adorable white snow bunny in that coat! I also love the pop of pink from the boots! I have been seeing so many long puffer coats this winter, I need to get my hands on one!


  14. Deena Simair says:

    I love white jackets in the winter!

  15. Those white coat and pink boots looks really cute together!

  16. Ruth says:

    Always adorable in the snow! Love those hot pink boots lady!

  17. Amy says:

    You are the cutest snow bunny! Love your pink boots, and that bike sounds amazing.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  18. Caitlin says:

    Those bright pink boots are adorable!!

    Caitlin, Beauty & Colour

  19. sophie says:

    I love the coat and the boots are so cute.

  20. Meagan says:

    Your coat still looks great even with a white background! Love your pink boots, too. I want to see this electric bike because I’ve never seen one–you should totally post a video on your IG stories!! πŸ™‚ Have a fabulous weekend! xo


  21. Kelsey&Kenecha says:

    How cute! Love the coat x


  22. The says:

    Ohhh love the match of the lipstick and the boots, so good and perfect to all the white! That bike sounds pretty awesome though, hope you’ll have a lovely weekend with it! Xx

  23. So in love with your snow bunny look! The white coat is so chic and the pink boots are the perfect contrast.

  24. Edwige says:

    Love the Rain Boots they add a Bright POP of color ,Your Jacket looks super Comfy

    Edwige |

  25. amy says:

    You look so cute in this white parka with the pink boots and lipstick. The pictures are so sweet! It is hard to photograph in snow no matter what you’re wearing, I think. I struggle with winter photography living in the north.

  26. Laura says:

    Ohhhh I am obsessed with your cute pink boots! Such a great snow look!


  27. Those sunglasses though! You look great!

  28. Kendra says:

    Even thought the white jacket is a little tough against the snow it looks awesome on with the pink lipstick and boots. You’re rocking it!!

  29. You are seriously the cutest, and I love the pink boots! I’ve never heard of an electric bike, but now I’m thinking that I need one!!

  30. Adi says:

    Perfection!! I love those boots!
    Adi xx

  31. Gretch says:

    Wow, your coat looks so fuzzy and comfy! Your whole look is just so crisp and clean, I love it! I hope someday, I could also spend my holiday in a snowy area. I hope you are enjoying the weekend (and your bike)!

    – Gretch of GG Memochou

  32. Jill says:

    Gorgeous snow bunny! Love your bright pink lip color and boots!

    Doused In Pink

  33. Missy May says:

    I so feel the struggle, gurlll. Its not easy especially with this weather. Your coat is HOT and I need it in my life. Ha!

  34. Camila says:

    You look so gorgeous girlie, that coat is so cute!

    My Vogue Style |

  35. Jennie says:

    Such an adorable coat! It looks great with your jeans and bright pink boots. Thanks for linking up with Fabulous Friday, Shauna!

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