Lipgloss and Lace

Sweater: Shein | Denim: Red Dress Boutique | Glasses: old | Bag: Gucci

Never in 6 years of blogging did I think I’d be using the word “quarantine” as a blog title πŸ˜‰

Even though we’re all doing our part and staying home, it doesn’t mean we can’t pick bright & happy colors from our closets! I’m noticing that I still reach for pieces like this sweater because not only is it comfy (and $20!),Β  but the colors make me smile, and don’t we all need extra smiles these days?

Thanks so much for stopping by!

Stay safe (and sane). We got this.



34 responses to “Quarantine…But make it Colorful!”

  1. Andrea Nine says:

    Thank you for always brightening our day, not only with your wardrobe but with your words and your sweet heart! I LOVE it AND YOU! Sending big virtual HUGS!

  2. This sweater is so cheerful and so you! Love how you’ve styled it here with your flares and white accessories.


  3. The colors are so cute and makes me happy too! Xx

  4. Jill says:

    Such a cute look! This sweater definitely cheers me up and makes me happy!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

  5. Kate says:

    YES to all the pretty colors right now <3

    Green Fashionista

  6. Kaitlyn says:

    Love the pop of color! Total mood lifter.

    Kaitlyn @ Oh, the Places We’ll Go!

  7. you look so lovely! these colours look great on you
    Hope you stay healthy and safe
    style frontier

  8. Michelle says:

    Totally adorable outfit! And yes, it was the colors that drew me So pretty!


  9. Angelica says:

    Hope the flare jean comes back full force!

    XX Angelica

  10. Lisa Autumn says:

    Oh you look AMAZING!

    Lisa |

  11. So true! 29 days more days to go. We could all do with some color. Love your sweater and your cheery and positive attitude always brightens up my day. U are amazing!


  12. Dalila says:

    Colors are curative! Your sweater is super. My best wishes!

  13. Bojana says:

    More than I anything, I am trying to get dressed, throw a little make-up on and brush my hair, just to feel human. Love the colors in this sweater. Makes me happy.

  14. mireille says:

    Love all of your happy colors! Been reaching for bright accessories. It makes me happy.

  15. Allie Mackin says:

    What a FUN sweater and you found the perfect place to shoot this!! Love it.

    Allie of

  16. Ashley says:

    You rainbow of sunshine! I love this look- brought a smile to my face!

    Stay safe + well, babe!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  17. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE that sweater! found you on the Elegantly Dressed linkup! Stay healthy and thanks for the colour!

  18. Mariann Yip says:

    Oh my gosh, that sweater is everything! I love the color and style πŸ™‚

  19. Maureen says:

    Your sweater is amazing! I just love the colors and yes, it brought a huge smile to my face! I hope your week is off to a great start. Happy Tuesday!

    Maureen |

  20. So important that we do things that bring happiness and joy at this time! Love the pretty colors in your sweater! Those flares are fab too!
    take care and stay safe
    jess xx

  21. Melody Jacob says:

    lovely jeans with that colorful sweater top

  22. Those pants are so fun, too! I’d love a pair like that, but I’m afraid I’d trip over them-haha.

  23. Completely agree. Just because you’re staying home doesn’t mean you can’t dress up and have some fun with fashion. Hope you’re well and safe.


  24. Shauna, this is brilliant! Not just the colors, but the style, too. Those jeans are so amazing! And this whole outfit made me smile. Thanks for keeping things cheerful and linking up with me.


  25. Jessica says:

    Such a cute and fun sweater! Keep safe dear!

    Jessica |

  26. Jess says:

    What a fun, cheerful sweater! Definitely what we need right now! πŸ™‚

  27. Elena says:

    I would need a styled colorful sweater…. for my quarantine days with my baby boy….

  28. Mica says:

    What a fun bright knit! i agree, bright colours are a great mood booster, especially in these uncertain times, gotta do the little things that make you smile! πŸ™‚

    Hope that you had a nice weekend at home πŸ™‚ Thank you so much for joining the #weekdayWearLinkUp πŸ™‚ I just posted this week’s linkup, I’d love you to join again! πŸ™‚

    Away From Blue

  29. […] featured bloggers are Hello Katie Girl and Lipgloss & Lacebecause we loved their Spring Print from last week’s […]

  30. Monica Hein says:

    I need this sweater in my life!

  31. Jana Style says:

    I’m loving this colorful and fun look! So fun for spring! xo Jana | \ IG: @jana_meister

  32. […] featured bloggers are Hello Katie Girl and Lipgloss & Lacebecause we loved their Spring Print from last week’s […]

  33. Amber says:

    I can’t get over how cute this sweater is! You look adorable!

    I hope you have a fabulous week!



    Follow Avec Amber on Bloglovin

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