Lipgloss and Lace
July 20th, 2020

Dress: Mint Julep Boutique | Heels: Steve Madden | Bag: old | Glasses: Quay

OK, so this dress should probably be filed under “Spring Looks” because of all those pretty pastels. And it should also be filed under “Dress that I own in 5 colors”. #Oops.

I’m working on a fun Q & A for you guys, so ask away! Fashion, family, travel, personal – I’ll answer it all, so leave your questions in the comments below!

I appreciate you stopping by, have a great week! XO


20 responses to “Pleats and Thank You”

  1. If there was ever a dress that was made for your bag, this is it! This is such a pretty mix of purples!


  2. mireille says:

    In 5 colors! That’s a record! I love those cute tiers! And that purse!!

  3. You look fabulous. I love how well your handbag coordinates. No wonder you “needed” that dress in so many colors, it’s so flattering and “you!”

  4. Such a gem!! Love it with your bag, as always!!

    Question: Your dream job? Fashion or something else? If fashion, what? Xx

  5. Kate says:

    Such a gorgeous dress in all these pretty hombre colors no matter the season. Looking forward to your fun Q&A <3

    Green Fashionista

  6. Andrea Nine says:

    I keep eyeing that dress At Mint Julep, I totally need to get it because I adore it on you! I cannot wait for your Q&A and I wish you a marvelous week ahead beautiful friend!

  7. Allie Mackin says:

    Oh what a gorgeous dress! It reminds me of a skirt I rented from RTR to wear to FW. I can see why you have it in 5 colors.

    Allie of

  8. Jill says:

    This dress is gorgeous on you! Love the colors and tiered pleats! Question – what is the oldest piece in your closet that you still wear often?

    Jill – Doused in Pink

  9. Ashley says:

    Yessss, gorgeous ombre ruffled pleats! You look gorgeous!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  10. Shauna, this dress is so fun and pretty and bright and cheerful! And that bag is just too adorable. Thanks for linking up!


  11. Katie says:

    You are too cute! I LOVE this dress. That purse is also amazing!


  12. Maureen says:

    Very pretty dress Shauna! The colors are stunning and I am a sucker for tiers.

    Blogging – how to you work FT and still have time to blog?

    Maureen |

  13. Gail says:

    Gorgeous dress and I have never seen a bag so cute!Also interested in how you work FT and blog (I do too) – when do you do your photoshoots and do you have help? Thanks for joining #WowOnWednesday.

  14. Omaye says:

    Such a pretty dress. You’re so classy!
    I need to start shopping where you shop. Need to elevate my closet

  15. I love pleats! This dress is fantastic with all the colours xx

    Elegant Duchess xx

  16. Mica says:

    What an adorable dress! It’s such a fun comobo of colours and I love the pleats! Your floral bag is perfect with it! πŸ™‚

    Would love to know your go-to outfit for the Q&A if you haven’t answered that already before πŸ™‚

    Hope that your week is going well πŸ™‚ It’s a cold and wintery one here!

    Away From Blue

  17. Swooning over this entire look. Love the dress and that bag is the cutest. Question: Have you ever had a bad hair day? Your golden locks are always on point? What does your hair routine look like?


  18. Emma Peach says:

    Your dress is so pretty! I love your cute bag too! Thanks for linking up!

    Emma xxx

  19. Love those purple shades, no wonder you have this pretty dress in multiples. That bag, love!
    thanks for liking!
    jess xx

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