Lipgloss and Lace
August 24th, 2015
Top: H&M | Shorts: Mossimo | Scarf: Forever 21 (exact) | Booties: JustfabΒ (similar) | Bag: Louis Vuitton | Sunglasses: PradaΒ 
SoΒ technicallyΒ it’s still summer, but it just feels right to start adding a littleΒ plaid to my wardrobe, considering fall will be here before youΒ know it! We are just getting into the hottest months here in CA. So while most of you will beΒ transitioningΒ into sweaters and jeans, I’ll still beΒ dying of heatΒ stroke in shorts and tank tops for another 2 months. It’s soooo NOTΒ my favorite. Sad face.
Have a wonderful week! -XO

60 responses to “Plaid Intentions”

  1. Zarrah says:

    I love how you make this outfit so stylish by puttin that plaid scarf πŸ™‚
    I love it πŸ™‚

    The Bandwagon Chic | Instagram | Bloglovin | Snapchat: bandwagonchic

  2. Kelly K says:

    Sooo I actually NEED these sunglasses! I had my eye on them and was trying to hold back but you look so adorable in them! Love this whole look!

  3. I love how you paired the plaid scarf with denim shorts!! What a fun look!
    xo Jaime

  4. Beth says:

    I love that plaid scarf! I’m super excited to break out a few fall pieces this week!

  5. Olivia says:

    LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! AHHH can i just have a day in your closet!!! So gorgeous!!!

    xx Olivia

  6. Rachel says:

    Such a fabulous pre-fall look Shauna! The weather here is getting cooler, and I am sure it will be well on its way there soon.
    Rachel xo

  7. Rachel says:

    Beautiful scarf, I’m absolutely loving it!

  8. Rachel says:

    Oh geez! Another two months of this heat?! I don’t think I could do it! Love the plaid though and those booties are too cute! Happy Monday!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde’s Moment

  9. Amy Ann says:

    Hooray for booties! Love how you incorporated some fall elements but this is still a warm weather appropriate outfit.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  10. Karoline says:

    LOVE that scarf!! Really gets me sad that fall (and cold weather) are just around the corner though! I’m not ready to give up summer!

  11. This scarf is the perfect transition piece! I love that it’s red and black plaid, I think i need it for football season. So cute!

    Whitney & Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  12. Rachel says:

    Love your plaid intentions for fall. You nailed the transition look – I love it.

  13. Erica says:

    What a great way to rock that scarf in the summer!

    xo | The Fashion Forecast

  14. Jill says:

    Love the plaid scarf with the denim shorts and booties! Still summery but ready for fall!

    Doused In Pink

  15. that scarf is amazing!! you look great in this outfit!
    \The Color Palette

  16. Susie says:

    I’ve already started transitioning for Fall too! The clothes are just too good not to!


  17. I’m ready to wear my plaid & my scarves too! Like Cali, Texas will be warm for a little while longer.

    xoxo. | cymone.

  18. michelle says:

    I love this plaid scarf! I can bet you will be wearing it all fall/winter long!

  19. Megan says:

    Ahhh the plaid scarf is back! Love it with the Summer outfit!

  20. Marta says:

    This look is super cute, love that plaid scarf!!

  21. Abby says:

    I need that plaid scarf! So gorgeous πŸ™‚

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

  22. Heather says:

    Ahhh that scarf is perfection – the perfect transition to fall.. and for $15 I’m sold!!!


  23. Brooke says:

    I am so excited for fall! This is a great way to get that fall feel and brave those high temps! πŸ™‚


  24. Loving this plaid scarf! Perfect for transitioning into fall.

  25. Red Reticule says:

    Perfect look to enjoy the rest of the summer and start to transition into fall.
    Red Reticule

  26. Great intensions. Thanks for sharing and happy Monday!

    Eye See Euphoria |

  27. bri says:

    I just adore your blog so much! I hope you had a great day! xo


  28. You’ve nailed it perfectly! I’m so ready for fall fashion even though the weather isn’t cooperating.

  29. sophie says:

    Great,great boots and I love plaid stuff.Looking amazing

  30. Wow someone’s so chic and ready for Fall!


  31. I love that you are starting to incorporate plaid and booties into your wardrobe! What a cute way to wear plaid without donning a plaid shirt and sweating to death!
    xoxo Danielle
    For the Love of Leopard

  32. Eva says:

    nice outfit. i especially love the scarf & the sunnies!

    xoxo, Eva |

  33. Lorna Mai says:

    I like the combination of plaid and booties. You look great.

  34. I loooove the plaid! Perfect styling!

    – Cielo
    Mermaid in Heels

  35. Shoshana says:

    Buffalo check print? Oh my goodness, you’re making me melt. NYC is still really warm and humid. Wherever you are, enjoy the cooler temps. So jealous!

  36. Jeannette says:

    Hello Shauna! OMG I love your hair! Totally obsessed with it! You look amazing! And I am in the same boat you are. It is extremely hot here in Orlando and I know for a fact that I won’t be wearing sweaters or anything like for a little while (only for pictures). Love how you added a plaid scarf to your summer look to add some fall flair:-) Have an amazing rest of the week. Blessings! XOXO, Jeannette

  37. Nikki says:

    Love that scarf! Plaid is my favorite thing about fall!


  38. Johanna says:

    You hair looks more and more amazing in every post!

  39. Susan says:

    Although I am not ready for fall, I do love plaid! I love how you paired your scarf with shorts! So cute! Susan

  40. Brittany says:

    Oh my goodness, I LOVE this whole look!! You look so chic in your plaid and sunnies! I am so ready to break out the plaid!


  41. Monica says:

    I love love love this! That plaid scarf is fabulous. I love the colors, the length, everything! Great booties too.

  42. SO CUTE! I love this time year when summer short and fall scarves go perfetly. ADORABLE!
    Heather Wyancko

  43. Fantastic look and scarf! Have a fun week!

    xo, Bry

  44. artadorned says:

    Really cute scarf and booties, love the look.

  45. Erica says:

    Dear you are a diva!!! πŸ™‚ love your boots!

    The Girl with the Muji Hat

  46. jess says:

    love your scarf loads!
    lovely post!
    check out my blog + follow back?

    Jess |

  47. Anika says:

    Amazing photos, I love your style!

    Anika |

  48. NERISSA says:

    perfect styling.. plaid so so perfect on you..

    great blog, I love the content!
    keep it up..

    I can rock any outfits, come follow my online diary

  49. Katey says:

    I adore this look! Such a great Fall transition outfit. This red buffalo plaid is my favorite plaid pattern!! You look adorable with your cut-offs and wedge booties.
    Thanks for linking up with our Tuesday Fashion Party Link-Up!

  50. Jessica says:

    I live in SoCal too and I’m sad that fall won’t be here for awhile! But this is a great transition outfit with the plaid scarf and booties!
    Jeans and a Teacup

  51. Ivete says:

    Oh, girl, I hear ya. It’ll be another two to three months before we start feeling “fall” over here as well. The red and black plaid really suit you well. You look beautiful!

  52. Missy May says:

    Looking great, lady. Such an awesome scarf! πŸ™‚

  53. I’m so ready for fall, scarves and layers, too! You did a great job of incorporating a scarf into your summer-wear. Thanks for linking-up for Lovely Little Γ  la Mode!

  54. Grace Liang says:

    Thank you so much for linking up with me last week and don’t forget to come back every Wednesday to link up with me again!
    I am so in LOVE with this outfit! I will feature this look of yours on my Friday’s post. I run different themes everyday and that day is called They Got It Right! Thank you very much for sharing and keep in touch!


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