Lipgloss and Lace
April 4th, 2016
IMG_8138 2IMG_8153 2IMG_8085IMG_8099
Dress: ImpressionsΒ (other favorite’s: here & here)Β | Clutch: old (similar) | Heels: Steve Madden | Necklace: H&M (similar) | Ring: old (similar) | Glasses: Ray-Ban
I couldn’t visit Palm Springs last weekend without making a pit stop at theΒ famousΒ pink door house. Have any of you been there before? It’s theΒ cutest home on the coolest block. We actually spoke with the home owner before taking these pictures because I justΒ didn’tΒ feel right violating this guys property withoutΒ checking first! Shockingly, he told us that no one ever asks, so he was truly grateful that we had. So, if you’reΒ interested in seeing justΒ how many people go there and wing it, check out the hashtag #thatpinkdoor on Instagram πŸ˜‰
Hope you all had a great weekend! I did a little shopping and spent most of my time relaxing at home. Sometimes you just need those types of weekends to recharge for the week.
Thanks for stopping by!Β β™₯

83 responses to “Palm Springs Fling”

  1. this dress is wonderful

  2. Everytime I open your blog the first thing I say is Shut Up, i love! This dress ie beautiful and the pictures are perfect in front of that door! I am so glad you had a relaxing weekend, it’s that what they are for?

    Whitney & Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  3. Andrea Nine says:

    Girl, you know I am loving me that pink door! But more importantly I am loving you in that beautiful color block dress! Gorgeous flow, gorgeous accessories, gorgeous you! What amazing pictures of an amazing girl!

  4. Samantha says:

    Such a cute maxi dress and loving that pink door!

  5. So pretty! Love your outfit!
    Mademoiselle Coconath

  6. Kelly K says:

    Omg this dress is STUNNING! Love how flowy and effortless it is!

  7. Laura says:

    AHHHH…so gorgeous!!!! The scenery is perfect as well!


  8. That door could not be more perfect for this amazing shoot! I am obsessed with that dress and would never have thought to add a turquoise ring to it but it looks amazing! Thank you for the inspiration! Have a wonderful start to the week!

  9. Zane says:

    Lovely dress, perfect for spring season.
    Can we be followers? Please let me know.


  10. Ada says:

    Cute title to this post first of all. That is so cool that you asked the home owner’s permission. Love the shots and such an adorable rose quartz/pale pink door. Love your stunning flowy pleated maxi. Between that, your gorgeous turquoise ring and your ombre blonde hair you are totally a Palm Springs babe. =)

  11. Megan says:

    This dress was made for you! I loooove it!

  12. Victoria Fox says:

    I am in love love with this dress on you! This dress was seriously for you! Just so you know! Loving everything!

  13. Rachel says:

    seriously. THE perfect outfit for THE pink door!! Gorg! Make today work, Rachel –CubicleCouture

  14. Rachel says:

    So pretty! I love this whole color scheme and your flowy dress. Poor dude that lives there, that was cool of you to ask before photo shooting.

  15. Brittany says:

    You are a dream!! I love everything about this and am obsessed with that pink door!!


  16. Anaivilo says:

    I loove the dress! It looks so feminine and the colors are gorgeous πŸ˜€

  17. Alecz says:

    Oh wow, the colours in this dress are just amazing! And I love that backdrop in these photos. That pastel door is unreal!

  18. Rachel says:

    What a fabulous pink door! We will definitely have to check it out next month when we are in Palm Springs! Also, your dress is perfect…love the colors and the movement. It’s paired perfectly with your sunglasses too!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde’s Moment

  19. Alicia says:

    You look great! I love the flow and colors of the maxi. I can’t wait to see that house in person one day. It looks amazing.

    Alicia |

  20. Ahhhh this dress is stunning! The colors are gorgeous and perfect for this time of year and of course as resort wear <3
    Green Fashionista

  21. Amy Ann says:

    I’ve seen this spot on other blogs, but I wasn’t sure exactly where/what it was. It was nice of you all to ask considering it is someone’s house! Perfect spot to show off your gorgeous dress.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  22. Marta says:

    That house is super-adorbs, a pink door how cool!! I hadn’t seen it before but can’t wait to go see this hashtag now as I’m curious! You look stunning in this dress!

  23. lisa says:

    What a pretty dress! I am going to have to check-out that hashtag.

    Daily Style Finds

  24. Filipa Jackson says:

    This is such a gorgeous dress, I love it

    Happy Monday darling, hope you have an amazing week

    Filipa xxx | Instagram

  25. Jennifer says:

    This dress is GORGEOUS! You look so beautiful in it!

    xo, Jennifer

  26. You look so stunning and Summery! …and I want that front door for my house! πŸ™‚

  27. Shannon says:

    The pink door! I think it should be called the blogger door haha! So cute and I’m obsessed with that dress!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  28. Konstantina says:

    I NEED this dress <3

  29. Biana says:

    I was telling my husband how I wanted to go to Palm Springs so badly and this makes it even more apparent that I need to go! Love that dress! xo, Biana

  30. Girl I love your blog! And this outfit is sooooo cute! Work it! I am also a blogger and Would love to collaborate- please let me know!

  31. Cielo says:

    That dress is gorgeous!!! Love your photos! =)

    – Cielo

    Follow me on Mermaid in Heels
    Follow my blog with Bloglovin

  32. jackie says:

    Your dress is stunning! Looks fantastic against that pink door. How cool is that door but it must get annoying for the homeowners. lol

    xo, Jackie

  33. Ivete says:

    I.Die. This dress is GORGEOUS and looks amazing on you! Bonus points for shooting it in front of the pink door. I’ve never seen this door on other blogs. Going to have to check out that hashtag!

  34. Meghan says:

    Jealous! I feel like everyone is at Palm Springs lately! Loving this look and you have such a gorgeous smile!

    Meghan |

  35. I can’t imagine having a house where people would come to take photos. What a gorgeous door and those aloe vera plants are MASSIVE! Your dress is so darn cute and I just love that ring, it really pops!


  36. Maija Lily says:

    Such a gorgeous dress, and such gorgeous photos !! What I would do to be in dress weather…
    Lovely post.

    Maija Lily Xx

  37. Kathryn says:

    Your dress + that door is serious perfection! Love it.

  38. Erica says:

    OMG THIS DRESS!!!!! And what a perfect backdrop!


  39. Shaunacey says:

    beautiful dress!!! I love the colors!

    Simply Shaunacey

  40. Mili says:

    Ah the famous pink door! You picked the perfect dress for your pink door photo op πŸ™‚ I love all the bright colors!


  41. Red Reticule says:

    I ADORE these colors on you! Beautiful!
    Red Reticule

  42. MC says:

    So quintessential Palm Springs! You look so gorgeous babe! I love that maxi! The colors are so pretty!

  43. Darcy says:

    You look sooo cute! I want to get to palm springs one day!!

  44. Trang Do says:

    Such a beautiful dress! You looks so adorable!
    Love from {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}

  45. Abby says:

    Wow! I don’t think I’ve seen a more gorgeous maxi dress than this, Shauna!

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

  46. Vale says:

    Amazing dress and lovely tan, you make me want to be on holidays !!!

    Fashion and Cookies – fashion and beauty blog

  47. Annessa says:

    Gorgeous photos! I’ve never seen this door before (that i know of) and it’s crazy how many people don’t ask, I’d feel totally weird about taking without asking as well. Love your dress here – so perfect for the setting. You look fab as always!


  48. How funny! Dying over this door! I totally would have felt like I needed to ask as well. There is a house with a cute light yellow door in my own neighborhood and feel like I need to ask first! Hope you had a great time!
    xo Jaime

  49. Kacie says:

    Love this dress and your sunglasses, too!! I would loooove to take photos in front of this adorable house – that’s crazy that people don’t ask permission!!

    xoxo, Kacie

  50. Gorgeous!!! I love that dress. I saw a similar on online last week but can’t remember where. That pink door is so pretty!

  51. Wow! These photos are awesome! Love that color-block maxi dress and those mirrored sunnies — you look beautiful! And that house is amazing! His pink door and his plants are so rad! Nice of you to ask before shooting. I’m sure he really appreciated that.


  52. Ahhhh I’m so obsessed with this dress!!!! SO SO gorgeous!!! The movement of this piece is so amazing!

    xx Olivia

  53. Nina says:

    You look so cute in this colorful maxi dress.

  54. Stefanie says:

    love the colors on this dress! I am also extremely jealous of your hair! Although I just chopped mine off, mine was long for as long as I can remember, and it never did that sexy beachy wave thing that yours does!


  55. Love this dress! It’s so pretty and fun.

  56. Alice says:

    This color blocked skirt is beautiful! Love the outfit!

    xo, alice / T Y P E N U

  57. Laura says:

    What beautiful photos! I can see why so many like this location! That dress is absolutely stunning too. Love the colors!

  58. Molly says:

    This look is soooo pretty! Love the pink door house πŸ™‚


  59. Ashley says:

    Stunner! Love this colorblocked dress, lady!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  60. I LOVE this look!! Such a gorgeous dress.


  61. Amazing dress! You look lovely!

  62. Dana Ivy says:

    Ah! You just reminded me that I have a maxi really similar to this from Target!! So old though but clearly it hasn’t gone out of style πŸ˜‰ Hope you had fun in Palm Springs, lady! PS just found your blog and love!

    Xox Dana Ivy //

  63. Kate says:

    I really love that clutch paired with the color block dress! Super cute.

  64. Andrea says:

    Love the look!!
    xo Andrea
    Β Boho Bunnie

  65. Sheree says:

    The pink door house!!! Omg it is so iconic and when I saw this on your insta I was obsessed. The dress couldn’t be more perfect for the shot.

    xo Sheree
    IG: @poshclassymom

  66. this dress is amazing. ciao gloria


  67. Maggie says:

    The colorblocking on this dress is to die for!! Love those colors!

  68. Vanessa says:

    You are such a vision, Shauna! I LOVE this dress on you! You look so heavenly and fab!!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  69. Len Parent says:

    Gorgeous skirt girl. AMAZING LOOK! Thanks for sharing!
    Have a wonderful day!
    much love, Len

  70. MVAP Blog says:

    Wow, love that dress dear!
    MΓ³nica Sors

  71. michelle says:

    Love this color block dress. The way it flows it so pretty!

    I’ve actually never heard of the pink door…This is the perfect location for pretty photos!

  72. Miss Maii says:

    Amazing post love! Thanks for sharing! I just posted a FIRMOO GLASSES REVIEW on my blog! You should check it out! xx


  73. Meg says:

    I am glad you answered where you took this picture because I was thinking how gorgeous it was. Also, that dress is so pretty.What great colors for summer and so fun and flowy!!

  74. I love this dress on you, and these photos! I can’t believe how many people take photos in front of this door without permission. I would feel so weird!

  75. Johanna says:

    You look stunning and gosh, I always wondered about that pink door! Now I know!

  76. Ana Luiza says:

    Love this dress! I’m aways so jealous of people’s pictures in Palm Springs. It looks so gorgeous!
    – Ana Luiza
    Northwest Blonde

  77. Fabulous photos and look hun! Bravo for asking before taking the shots, I had been in the owner’s position in the past, when every tourist in Mykonos was taking shots in front of our doorstep haha! You look amazing as always!
    You look amazing!

  78. Jess says:

    I love colored doors and have seen this house on people’s instagram. Wow, I would be there in an instant. Love your flowy, lovely dress, just perfect for your trip!
    Enjoy your weekend!
    jess xx

  79. I hope their is a fire extinguisher near by because you setting fires everywhere with that look.

  80. Rachel says:

    I can’t believe people don’t usually ask before snapping pictures. Kudos to you! πŸ™‚

    Love the look as usual! Do you have a post on your hair care?


  81. […] I have a maxi just like this in the back of my closet and Shauna from Lipgloss and Lace reminded me that I need to find it for […]

  82. lorena says:

    Spectacular dress and the setting is perfect.
    You have a new follower!

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