Lipgloss and Lace
January 6th, 2020

Coat: Macy’s (40 % off!) | Earmuffs: old | Socks: Amazon | Boots: Amazon | Glasses: Quay

Happy New Year, guys!

Hope you all enjoyed a wonderful holiday season with friends and family. I took some time off of work, the blog, and social media and really soaked up all of the free time I had.


We took a little trip to the mountains last weekend and HOLY SNOW. It was amazing. SO beautiful, peaceful and serene. The perfect way to end one year and welcome in a brand new one.

Thank you so much for reading. Wishing you the best in 2020! See you Thursday!


21 responses to “Oh-So-Cozy!”

  1. Rachel says:

    Look at that snow! Such pretty pictures. Glad you guys were able to get away and take some time off — so important! This coat looks so cozy and I love it with the pink boots and those cute polka dot socks! Hope you guys had a very Merry Christmas! Happy New Year, Shauna!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde’s Moment

  2. Andrea Nine says:

    You now I LOVE Cozy and snow and pink and YOU!!!!! Love everything about this precious outfit! Hope your Holidays were the BEST!! Cheers to 202 lovely!! xo

  3. Andrea Nine says:

    Oops for got the other 0…lol….2020!!

  4. Kate says:

    Happy New Year girlie! Loving the fun pop of color with those boots <3

    Green Fashionista

  5. Elise says:

    Happy New Year my friend! I too took a much needed break from the blog and social media, it was terrific! I love this cozy look and fun pop of pink!

    xx, Elise

  6. That sounds amazing and the snowy scenes on your IG stories were gorgeous! They’re calling for some tomorrow but since it’s been so warm, it probably won’t stick around for long. You looked adorable on your snow day!


  7. How lovely with a snowy tripy!! It looks magical indeed. Love your pink boots, too cute! Xx

  8. I really love the coat and your boots look amazing. The pink is so rich.

  9. Maisha says:

    Such a great New Year Start.. I just love your pink Boots.. they making you look beautiful. And what a great view at back. Lovely blog

    Keep in touch sweets

  10. Jill says:

    What a beautiful backdrop for your photos! The snow is so pretty! Love your bright pink boots! Happy 2020!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

  11. Oh you are so adorable in your polka dot socks and bright pink boots! I am glad that you enjoyed a little mountain break! Thanks for linking up.


  12. Mica says:

    Happy new year! Your outfit looks so cosy and the pink boots and polka dot socks are a really fun touch! πŸ™‚

    Hope that your week is going well πŸ™‚ It’s a busy week here as it’s my first week back at work after the Christmas break! I’ve got what I wore for Christmas up on the blog now.

    Away From Blue

  13. Vanessa says:

    You are the cutest snow bunny!
    Happy Wednesay, babe!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  14. Jessica says:

    Loving the pop of pink dear! Such a cute pair of boots.
    Jessica |

  15. mireille says:

    That jacket!! Not that I need one but I really love it!

  16. Joanne says:

    That looks so cozy! I love those bright pink boots too; they made me smile.

  17. Michelle says:

    The pink boots really catch the eye. Such a fun color! Happy 2020 to you!


  18. Oh so cute and cozy! I love those pink boots! I am thrilled you shared this with us on our Style Six Link Up!

  19. Happy New YEar Shauna! Sounds like a wonderful trip. I love the mountains and your pics are lovely with the snow! The coat looks great and warm!!
    thanks for linking!
    jess xx

  20. […] featured bloggers are Lipgloss and Lace and Myriad Musingsbecause we loved their Winter Boots from last week’s […]

  21. You are looking so cute!

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