Lipgloss and Lace
October 28th, 2021

It’s Halloween weekend!

What are your plans? We’re doing a little pumpkin carving Saturday and then hosting a get together Sunday night. It’s my favorite holiday and I’m excited to see all of the little costumes! I really want to soak it all in, since last year was quite different.Β 

Whatever your plans are, have FUN, stay safe and enjoy some candy! πŸ™‚


11 responses to “Lick-Or-Treat!”

  1. Gemma says:

    This is so cute! Love your little dog.
    Gemma x

  2. Mica says:

    Oh your puppy is so cute and what a fun display! πŸ™‚

    Hope that you are having a great week πŸ™‚ Enjoy your Halloween party!

    Away From The Blue

  3. Andrea Nine says:

    I love these pictures of my little pumpkins! Riley looks so cute! Have so much fun this weekend, I know your pumpkins and your get together are going to be grand and beautiful!

  4. Mariann Yip says:

    These are really so cute pictures. You look so gorgeous. Love the vibes of this place too.

  5. Julia Rees says:

    Such cute photos! Your dog is adorable!
    Happy Halloween!
    Julia x

  6. christina says:

    SO SO SO cute! That is definitely your baby!

  7. Lovely says:

    Your pup is so cute! Happy Halloween!

  8. glowyshoes says:

    your look so pretty and your dog is extremely cute.

    Glowyshoe’s blog

  9. Danielle says:

    I loved the images sweetie!

    Danielle |

  10. Georgia says:

    Eeeep these photos are way too cute for words!! My Halloween plans are more reserved this year, but I won’t be able to resist dressing up :’)

    // xx

  11. Jelena Dimic says:

    I love your dog! Is that a shih-tzu? I have two dogs, and one of them is a malshi, a shih-tzu and maltese mix. <3

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