Lipgloss and Lace

Sweater: old (similar) | Striped top: Pink Lily Boutique | Denim: old | Boots: Amazon | Glasses: Quay

I love all the cliche seasonal activities; from sledding and sipping hot cocoa to decorating gingerbread houses and picking out a Christmas tree…count me in for ALL the holiday fun!

We are lucky enough to live about 10 minutes from a Christmas tree farm, so last weekend we bundled up and headed over for Opening Day. I felt as though I was in a Hallmark Christmas movie! Everyone in theirΒ Santa hats, red and green colors everywhere you looked, puppies in sweaters, candy canes and hot chocolate being handed out…it was so much fun. Anyone leaving that tree farm NOT in the Christmas spirit was most definitelyΒ a Scrooge!

Thank you for reading! Excited to have you along for all the holiday fashion fun ahead!Β β™₯β™₯


33 responses to “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year…”

  1. You are the cutest and now you have me thinking about candy canes!! I can’t WAIT to take Lila to a Christmas tree farm next year since we’ll be home sweet home! Sounds like you had a blast!


  2. Rachel says:

    What a cute outfit for picking out your Christmas tree! And so lucky to have a Christmas tree farm so close to your house. Unfortunately, I am allergic to real Christmas trees (which makes Richard mad every year!) so it’s artificial for us! But so fun to see everyone in the holiday spirit. It really is the most wonderful time of the year! Hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving, Shauna!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde’s Moment

  3. Katherine says:

    Love this cute and casual look! The candy cane stripes are so festive!

    Katherine |

  4. Kate says:

    LOVING your festive outfit for the tree farm! It was too warm here to dress cozy and seasonal for the tree farm yesterday. But the temps are dropping tomorrow, so I’ll be breaking out more red and green, and of course sparkle <3
    Green Fashionista

  5. Andrea Nine says:

    I, for one, adore your Christmas spirit, all the excitement just like me!! And lets talk about these stripes and the poncho goodness, the prettiest girl at the tree farm I am sure of it!! Happy Monday doll!

  6. Elise says:

    A Christmas tree farm, how fun!! What gorgeous and festive photos these are, I love your red and white striped top!!

    xx, Elise

  7. katelyn chef says:

    can you be any cuter in the tree lot? happy monday!!! Katelyn/

  8. Nina Nguyen says:

    You’re the cutest! Can’t believe xmas is right around the corner!
    xx- Nina

  9. Dee says:

    Love the colour combo- those stripes are awesome.

  10. what a cute outfit!!! I wish there were any Christmas farm nearby! I adore your Christmas spirit x
    have a wonderful day!

  11. Vale says:

    This has to be the cutest outfit I have seen lately, super lovely!

    Fashion and Cookies – fashion and beauty blog

  12. Monica Sors says:

    I like your boots, dear! Have a nice week!
    MΓ³nica Sors

  13. Kristen says:

    I love your outfit! It’s so fun and festive! We need to go cut a tree down soon!

    xo, Kristen

  14. MONICA SORS says:

    Love your Christmas spirit babe!!! I love Xmas time!
    MΓ³nica Sors

  15. Vanessa says:

    You are just the cutest! Love this festive look and how fun is it to pick out your Christmas tree! Yay!!

    Happy Cyber Monday, babe!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  16. Ruth says:

    Oh how fun! We have a christmas tree farm we are going to next weekend! It’s the same one I went to as a little girl. It’s so much fun and I can’t wait!

  17. Chez-rama says:

    Sarah! I love your cute outfit . I love everything Christmas related including checking Christmas decoration downtown with cup of cocoa. It is something I love to do <3

  18. Jackie says:

    You look so cute girl! The Christmas tree farm sounds like so much fun! We have them here too but with lots of snow on the ground and way cooler temps. lol! However, the best part about the holidays is getting to pick out your own Christmas tree. So fun!

    xo, jackie

  19. Jill says:

    This is the cutest! What a perfect outfit for picking out your tree!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

  20. Virginia says:

    I am so happy that you’re rockin’ this poncho. πŸ™‚ I was digging around in my closet last week looking for something warm and came across one that looks almost exactly like this. I went back and forth over whether or not I should give it away since it hasn’t seen a lot of love recently. I decided, what the heck!? I’m going to wash it and wear it because I love it! You’re always the cutest so I now feel justified in rockin’ my own poncho!

  21. Kelsey Bang says:

    love the stripes of red under you sweater poncho! super cute look!

  22. Lyddiegal says:

    What a perfect look for tree hunting – it’s probably not too big a deal where you are, but I was schlepping through the mud over the weekend at the tree farm and wished I’d had on rubber boots!
    Chic on the Cheap

  23. Laura says:

    You are too cute! I love the bright striped tee under your poncho! It’s so fun and festive!

  24. Sophie says:

    I love the outfit.The striped top looks amazing under the poncho.

  25. Kelly R says:

    Ok you are just the cutest! I love the pops of red–so festive and perfect for picking out a tree!

    Rosy Outlook

  26. Nina says:

    So cute with your red boots!!
    Have a lovely day! xx

    La ilusiΓ³n de Nina –

  27. Yep. Totally resembles a Christmas Hallmark movie and I love it all too. Your red and white outfit is adorable and reminds me of candy canes, in the best way possible.

  28. You are so much like my daughter – she is our Christmas Spirit and makes sure we stick to every family tradition! And that’s the perfect outfit for Christmas tree shopping! Enjoy it all! xx Maria

  29. Ashley says:

    You’re Santa’s little helper in this look! Love those festive stripes peeking out!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  30. Inna Pishtoy says:

    Your outfit is so perfect for Christmas Tree picking and those boots are so cute!

  31. Such a cute and cozy Holiday style! We used to live next door to a Christmas Tree farm, talk about convenient! I love all the Holiday activities too!
    thanks for linking!
    jess xx

  32. Jessica says:

    This is such an adorable look on you dear! So cozy and cute. Love the pop of reds from the outfit!

    Jessica |

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