Lipgloss and Lace
February 4th, 2021

Pajama set: Sleeper | Heels: Louboutin | Glasses: old | Clutch: old

Feels like lounge, looks like fashion.

Bet ya didn’t know these were pajamas! I’ve been wanting these party pj’s for a few weeks now, and then I found them on sale right after the new year. They are so fun! I love that you can stay home and lounge around in them, or grab your heels and hit the town.

I’ll actually be wearing this for Valentines Day, since we are staying home this year and grabbing takeout for dinner. Filet and lobster wearing feathers at home? My kind of date night πŸ˜‰

Thanks for reading!


18 responses to β€œFun with Feathers!”

  1. lovenova says:

    They look good, they’re classy, they fit you, they look good on you.
    bundles sale

  2. saTanja says:

    I love feather edges so much, they look glamourous and fun at the same time <3


  3. Andrea Nine says:

    Feather FANTASTIC! Oh how I love these! So perfect for a date night of love! Mmmm sounds like a great menu in store too! You always have the BEST style and find the cutest fashions!!!

  4. These pajamas are perfect for either option! I am in love with those fabulous feathers!

  5. The feather touch is sublime!! I’ve done lace ruffles on the hems of my jeans…but now I’m thinking feathers for a DIY! Great post:) Come link up with me on my Friday posts if you’d like:)

  6. Ok, that photo of the heels and feathers is so pretty! And, those PJ’s look so cute AND comfy! I’d want to wear them all day!


  7. Radi says:

    Most stylish feathers ever! Love this set! Happy Valentine’s day! πŸ’•

  8. I looove this set! It’s so fashionable, and you work it like magic! πŸ˜‰

  9. Jill says:

    I would have never thought those were pjs! What a gorgeous set! So luxe and comfy too!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

  10. Ah I absolutely love this outfits!! super chic and you can’t go worn with Louboutins xx
    Elegant Duchess xx

  11. Georgia says:

    Eep I’ve been uhming and arring over these pjs and I feel like this post may have pushed me over the edge! Love how sleek they look with the Louboutin’s too – such a great outfit!

    / xx

  12. Such a statement piece, you look so elegant and ready for fashion week.

    New Post –

  13. Lee says:

    Oh my gosh I love these so much!!
    Lee | a href=”” title=”LegalLeeBlonde”>LegalLee Blonde

  14. Amber says:

    Oh my goodness, these pajamas are adorable! I absolutely love the feather detail!

    I hope you are having a great week!



    Follow Avec Amber on Bloglovin

  15. […]   My Pick from Last Week’s Party: My pick from last week’s party is Shauna from Lipgloss and Lace.   Now let’s get […]

  16. Nancy says:

    Amazing! Now i want them too!

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