Lipgloss and Lace
December 8th, 2022

Jacket: BlankNYC | Scarf: Vici sold out (found here) | Boots: old | Glasses: Chanel | Bag: YSL

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I’ve been feeling full of the holiday spirit lately, trying to enjoy as many peppermint frappuccinos, holiday movies & Christmas pajamas as I can. The month always goes by way too fast, so I’m really trying to soak it all in!

Hope you’re enjoying the season too. Have a great weekend! β™₯


4 responses to “Festive Feels”

  1. Jill says:

    The month really does fly by too fast. I haven’t even watched a holiday movie yet! Your scarf is beautiful! Love this chic look!

    Jill – Doused in Pink

  2. Andrea Nine says:

    Hello amazing scarf and HELLO BEAUTIFUL YOU. I do not like how fast it’s all going. Slloooooow down December. Love ya.

  3. Maureen says:

    Yessss! Same here. It’s been a blur to be honest but I am loving all the Christmas lights and festivities. It’s also my birthday month so definitely soaking it all up! Love your scarf and bag. I’ve always admired YSL purses. They are so beautiful! I hope you are having a great weekend!

    Maureen |

  4. Julia says:

    Yes, December is flying past! I love this chic look -your scarf is gorgeous
    Julia x

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