Lipgloss and Lace
February 15th, 2016
IMG_6582 2IMG_6598IMG_6659IMG_6670IMG_6679IMG_6681
Coat: Forever21 | Dress: H&M | Heels: Wild Diva Lounge | Bag: Forever 21 | Glasses: (similar)
It sure feels like spring summer here with all of the 90 degree weather we’ve been getting lately (Β β™₯ it!). But since it’s technically still winter, I thought I’d take this fluffy duster out for one last spin before it’s time to pack her away. I tell ya, there’s something about a tease of warm weather that just makes you wanna grab a cocktail and hit the pool, which is excatly where I’m headed in 3…2…1 πŸ™‚
Have a great day and thanks for reading! XO

57 responses to “Cozy Comfort”

  1. Lindsay Ava says:

    That coat looks incredibly cosy and warm. I love outfits like this, stylish but still rather comfortable and warm.

  2. Brooke says:

    I want some of your 90 degree weather!!! And your shoes and a poolside cocktail…ahh summer!

    Pumps and Push-Ups

  3. So jealous it is warm enough there for you to hit the pool! I haven’t seen this light pink duster yet.. LOVE it!
    xo Jaime

  4. Brittany says:

    Your coat is fabulous!! Send some of that warm weather to the East Coast- it is freezing here!!


  5. I do not think I would ever take that duster off, so cozy!! And Beautiful!! Although, I would have to shed it for pool time indeed!! How fabulous!! Hope your week is off to a sweet start!!

  6. Kelly K says:

    So jealous of your warm weather! I need that coat in my closet now–just gorgeous!

  7. Mary Kate says:

    Seriously stunning outfit! You look so easily chic!

    Mary Kate

  8. Ivete says:

    Seriously gorgeous! Your coats are the best! Enjoy your day at the pool!

  9. Alecz says:

    What an elegant look! I love the simple navy shift dress under this statement coat.

  10. Amy Ann says:

    90 degree weather?! That’s insane. Loving this long version of all the fun fur coats I’ve seen this season.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  11. Carly says:

    It’s getting so warm here too!
    I’m loving that cozy duster. It looks so dramatic with the blue dress
    Dresses & Denim

  12. Rachel says:

    Gorgeous outfit, that jacket looks so cosy and pretty! I also love your shoes! xo

  13. Blaire says:

    I can’t believe it’s 90 degrees where you are! I’m totally jealous! Loving that fun fur coat!
    xo, Whitney and Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  14. That coat is beautiful, and looks gorgeous on you! I’m so jealous of the weather you’re having, I’m freezing here in Boston. Enjoy the pool.

  15. Shannon says:

    So cute! Absolutely love your coat!!

    <3 Shannon

  16. You look really lovely! I Love the long fur coat!

  17. Emily Green says:

    I’m jealous of your weather!! That jacket is so, so lovely! It looks great with the navy dress.
    Darling, Dearest

  18. Darcy says:

    This coat looks soooo cozy!!

  19. Lily Rose says:

    You look amazing in this outfit! Love that coat and your heels are cute! <3
    Hope you have a great week ahead!

    -Lily from With Love Lily Rose

  20. Great post! I love that coat. πŸ™‚
    April xx


  21. Tara says:

    Your coat is gorgeous, and I love those heels!

  22. Nina says:

    You look gorgeous in this coat.

  23. Vanessa says:

    Shauna, you are a vision! LOVE the coat and the dress! So chic and cozy indeed!!!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  24. Jessica Hart says:

    So jealous of the weather! While I’m freezing in nyc. Love that furry coat πŸ™‚


    the way to my Hart

  25. Tatiana says:

    Love this look on you Shauna! Perfec for winter! You look stunning!


  26. Ashley says:

    Great look, girlfriend- and loving your hair here!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  27. Elise says:

    YASSSSSSS!!! LOVE the coat!

    So jealous of your 90 degree weather it has been negative degrees here!

    xx, Elise

  28. Maggie says:

    This is so glamorous and chic! Love it πŸ™‚

  29. Rosie says:

    LOVE THIS WHOLE LOOK! and your blog . . . will def keep up

  30. Laura says:

    I’m jealous of your amazing weather! Those heels and jacket are gorgeous!

  31. Rachel says:

    This jacket is amazing! It looks so perfect with the basic black dress. Can we talk about how jealous I am of your summer weather!! We have had temperatures near 0 lately and more snow! I need to comes West ASAP! haha

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde’s Moment

  32. Shell says:

    This outfit is so gorgeous!
    xo, Shell

  33. Marta says:

    I’m so jealous of your warm weather!! This coat looks ultra chic and cozy too, which is always a win! You look amazing as always Shauna!

  34. Love the outfit! Although I can barely read your weather talk, it was in the single digits all weekend through yesterday here!

  35. Jennifer says:

    Fabulous! I love that faux fur coat!

    xo, Jennifer

  36. clara says:

    Indeed looks so comfy and chic…:)

  37. Jessica says:

    The duster looks great. It’s the perfect topper for a simple dress.

  38. michelle says:

    Living for this coat! It is totally amazing! There are no words…

  39. Maria Garcia says:

    Great outfit in pastel color, especially your coat. I love your coat so much.


  40. Jasmine says:

    This weather has been so crazy! I want more Winter but I guess California is over it! Glad you got to wear this coat out one last time! You look FABULOUS as always Shauna!

    be the plebeian

  41. chelsea says:

    Isn’t our weather unreal! Crazy right. I love this dress, that coat might be a little warm but it def. looks gorgeous with the navy!

    XO Chelsea

  42. MC says:

    You look so fabulous babe! Love that coat! Model status!

  43. Sheela Goh says:

    Your outfit looks so creamy and delectable, and I just described dessert GRIN how about we go with good enough to eat?? πŸ™‚

  44. So gorgeous! Love your outfit!
    Mademoiselle Coconath

  45. Such a gorgeous glam look! I love the fur on this coat – perfection!


  46. Gorgeous coat! Looks so cozy!

    xo Jen
    Skirt The Rules

  47. Kelsey&Kenecha says:

    So chic! I really like your coat and those shoes x


  48. Hi Tea Style says:

    Such an amazing look! Love your coat!

  49. artadorned says:

    Fabulous coat Shauna love the outfit.

  50. That coat looks divine. It much be so comfortable!

  51. I just love this gorgeous stylish post! The coat is a beautiful colour that just goes so well with that dress, shades, and shoes! I want that coat so much πŸ™‚ Hope you had a happy v-day lovely. xx

  52. Deena says:

    I love that jacket but holy, your hair is my fave!

  53. You look so stylish with that coat! πŸ™‚

    And I love your heels! πŸ™‚

    YouTube | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram

  54. […] Two of ourΒ favorite looks from last week’s linkup are Jamie and Kacie of Regally Soled and Shauna of Lipgloss and Lace […]

  55. Kristy says:

    Love this look, right down to the perfect backdrop! Gorgeous.

    xo KJL

  56. Monica says:

    Such a great look! I’ll be pinning this to the Linkup Pinterest Board. Thanks for linking up with me, and hope to see you this week!

  57. Ada says:

    I know how much you love a fur coat and this one is beautiful. So is that purse. I cannot believe both are from. F21.

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