Lipgloss and Lace
June 30th, 2016
Dress: LuLu’s | Clutch: Ebay | Heels: Steve Madden | Bracelet: Rachel Zoe | Glasses: Ray-Ban
This dress should look a tad bit familiar because what do ya know – I own it in blue too (see here)!Β You can never go wrong with having a few fabulous cocktail dresses to choose from at any given moment.Β 
I hope you all the best holiday weekend ahead! The 4th of July is like my version of Christmas morning, so I’m totally stoked that it’s finally here!
Stay safe, and have fun!! – XO

31 responses to “Coming up Roses”

  1. Andrea says:

    Baby, you’re a firework!!!! I’m so stoked too, my 9 day vacay starts at 2 today!! I had to smile because i got a similar black dress that I loved so much I got it in coral too! That clutch is perfect with that darling dress. Your unique, cute and fun purse collection amazes me!! You amaze me beautiful and cheers to a most fabulous 4th!!!

  2. Carolina says:

    i loveee your clutch its beautiful !

  3. Another fabulous dress on you, and that rose clutch is the perfect finishing touch <3
    Green Fashionista

  4. The says:

    Such a pretty clutch, so gorgeous to the dress! Xx

  5. Deena says:

    Love the pop of colour in the clutch!

  6. Ashley says:

    That rose clutch is too cool- and yay, I’m excited for the 4th, too! I can’t believe it’s this weekend! πŸ™‚

    Le Stylo Rouge

  7. Rachel says:

    What a great dress! I’m totally for buying a dress in multiple colors when you love it! And that rose clutch, too cute! Hope you have a fabulous Fourth, Shauna!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde’s Moment

  8. katelyn says:

    Awe so cute! This makes me want to watch the Bachelorette too!
    Very Pretty,

  9. That is such a great dress !! And I love the clutch !! πŸ™‚ Xx

  10. Olivia says:

    Love this dress on you!! SO gorgeous!!

    xx Olivia

  11. Meagan says:

    I love how you always have unique accessories for your outfits and the rose clutch is adorable. What a perfect accent for your black dress! I hope you have a fantastic 4th of July weekend!


  12. Jessica says:

    That is such a great clutch!

  13. MC says:

    So pretty! I love that rose clutch lady – too cute!

  14. Adi says:

    Such a stunning look! The rose clutch is so cute!

    Adi xx

  15. adele says:

    So gorgeous, your bag is just beautiful! I’m always looking for new blog friends and I think your blog is lovely, let me know if you want to stay in touch and follow each other! x

  16. This really is the perfect cocktail dress, I can see why you wear it in black and blue. It’s so versatile! Your clutch is so darling and unique and is such a fun pop of color against your all black everything.

  17. Jane says:

    Such a beautiful dress! You look fabulous!
    xo, Jane

  18. Kelly K says:

    You look GORGEOUS girl! This is the perfect date night outfit!

  19. Amy Ann says:

    Such a fun bag! Perfect statement with your black dress.

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  20. Candace says:

    Girl I thought that was a real rose until I looked closer. What a gorgeous clutch. Love it styled with that black dress πŸ™‚

  21. Rachel says:

    That clutch looks like a real rose. Love it.
    Rachel xo

  22. This dress is gorgeous on you! It’s so simple, yet fun, and I’m loving the rose clutch.

  23. Maria says:

    beautiful rose holding rose. πŸ™‚

  24. rakhshanda says:

    Such a beautiful clutch <3 Goes well with that black dress!

    Happy weekend πŸ™‚

  25. Anaivilo says:

    This is such a lovely dress!! I love the clutch too, so elegant πŸ˜‰

  26. I really love your blog. You are awesome
    Hadasah Love |

  27. Bianca says:

    Such a beautiful dress, loved!


  28. Shaunacey says:

    you have the cutest collection of purses/bags!!! This and the pineapple one might be my favs!!

  29. Dana Ivy says:

    I think I need this dress in my life!!!!!!!!! And that bag… so bachelorette-y of you! LOVE!

    Xox Dana Ivy //

  30. Stella says:

    Oh Shauna you look amazing! Only you can make a simple dress look as impressive as an evening gown! You are glowing my friend! Love your bag! <3
    Belated happy 4th of July, I hope you had a great time in your summer christmas πŸ™‚

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