Lipgloss and Lace
April 14th, 2016
Top: CherishΒ | Denim: old, (similar) | Heels: old, (similar) | Bag: Forever 21 (similar) | Glasses: old, (similar)
I cannot tell you how much I Lβ™₯VE this top. I also have it in black, and rotate between the two …likeΒ everyΒ weekend. #Truth. TheΒ hubs, myΒ neighbors, family, friends…I’m pretty sure they’re all tired of seeing it on me to be honest! But when something is thatΒ comfy, you have every right to wear the heck out of it, no apologies needed πŸ˜‰
Have a wonderfulΒ weekend, hope to see you back here Monday!

36 responses to “Casual Comfort”

  1. Zubaida says:

    Your outfit looks so comfy and stylish, loved your shoes and bag.

  2. Dominique says:

    Looking gorgeous as always and love the top too. It looks fab on you. Looking very comfy chic! xx

  3. Marsya Aulia says:

    Love your style!
    Simple but chic.

    dont forget to visit me back,

  4. Cannot beat comfort, especially when it’s this CUTE!! You had me at those shoes too, so Spring, so pretty, so you!! Love this great look on you, you gorgeous doll!! Enjoy your weekend sweetness!!

  5. Your top is super cute and comfy looking. I can see why you wear it often. I’m loving your your bag too!


    Whitney & Blaire

    Peaches In A Pod

  6. Loving the drapey lines of this pretty top and those cute floral heels!! So cute, Shauna! Have a wonderful rest of your week and a relaxing weekend!

  7. Brittany says:

    That is such a cute top on you!!


  8. Rachel says:

    I wore something very similar for date night last night… we were almost twinsies except my top was olive!! Cute look as always! Make today work, Rachel –CubicleCouture

  9. Ashley says:

    Floaty and perfect! Loving those killer floral pumps, too. πŸ™‚

    Le Stylo Rouge

  10. Samantha says:

    Such a cute outfit and love those shoes!

  11. Rachel says:

    haha! I can see why you love it! Love the movement and that it’s super versatile. Looks so fabulous with the floral pumps, too. Have a wonderful weekend!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde’s Moment

  12. Deena says:

    Those shoes!!!!! Swoon.

  13. Ahhh love this look!! Those shoes are literally the perfect touch!!

    xx Olivia

  14. Love this easy breezy look!… and your hair is stunning!!

  15. Annessa says:

    Love this look! The long hem and the zipper on that bag are amazing!


  16. Beautiful look! And loving the fun pops of color with your shoes <3
    Green Fashionista

  17. Elise says:

    Loving the simplicity of this! Gorgeous shoes!
    have a wonderful weekend!

    xx, Elise

  18. S says:

    A very comfy and chic outfit, you look great, hun!

  19. Konstantina says:

    such a chic, beautiful look

  20. Kelsey&Kenecha says:

    Ah so stunning doll, I adore those shoes x


  21. Jessica says:

    I love the fun shoes.

  22. Angharad says:

    I love those shoes! Your personality really shines through in your outfit. It’s a really fun look. Angharad x

  23. Yvonne says:

    Lovely outfit! Thanks for sharing!
    xo Yvonne

  24. Christie says:

    Love this look, Shauna! Especially those pretty heels!

    The Closet by Christie

  25. Justina says:

    Loving the heels! Perfect for Spring!

    xoxo Justina | Just In A City
    A SF based fashion + food + travel blog | Instagram

  26. So chic! Love your outfit!
    Mademoiselle Coconath

  27. ahhh can’t get over how cute these floral print pumps are Shauna! They are adorable!! Have a wonderful weekend
    xo Jaime

  28. Victoria Fox says:

    I am obsessing over those shoes! So gorgeous! You always look so pretty! Happy Weekend!

  29. Ashley says:

    That draped tunic is magnificent!! What a versatile piece to brighten any look with!


    Ashley || Sed Bona

  30. I’m all about comfy t-shirts! Great look!
    xo, Traci

  31. You look amazing Shauna! Love this look and comfy chic style, I would totally wear it. I have a very similar top in white and black just like you and can’t get enough wearing them, they work like a charm for so many outfits!! (great minds think alike haha) You look gorgeous hun!!
    Kisses and have a great week!

  32. Ada says:

    I was just going to comment on how nice and versatile that top is. Fun and modern too. I love the swing style. Black and white are the two best colors to own that in. The floral pumps are gorgeous and totally elevate the outfit!

  33. Dana Ivy says:

    How did I miss this post?! Absolutely LOVE this classic look! This is pretty much what I wear every time I go out. So perfect!

    Xox Dana Ivy //

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