Lipgloss and Lace
March 30th, 2017

Hi Friends! If you’re new here, welcome!

I’ve come to realize that in almost 3 years of blogging, I haven’t shared many facts about me…so here goes!

I’m Shauna. A thirty-something year old who loves a good sunrise, reruns of Roseanne, pizza for breakfast and is the oldest of 4 girls. I live with my Husband and dog Riley in Orange County, CA. I work yourΒ regular 40 hour a week job, and moonlight as a blogger on the side. I love my dog like he’s human, and am probably the only blogger who doesn’t have a picture perfect white kitchen, which is OK because I’m entirelyΒ too lazy to learn how to cook anyways (Sorry Mom!!)


β™₯ I love asian cuisine, but order the same thing every time: beef and broccoli, minus the broccoli, extra beef

β™₯ I’ve never been a “let’s just wing it” kind of gal

β™₯ I dislike going to the movies, andΒ haven’t been in 5 years

β™₯ I eat candy like it’s a food group

β™₯ I’m deathly afraid of bees

β™₯ I’m a crazy online shopper. So much so, that I made good friends with the Postman…

β™₯Β …and went to his wedding!

β™₯ I have a wicked sense of humor

β™₯ Dave Matthews Band is my jam

β™₯ Pretty sure there isn’t a feather or brightly colored fabric IΒ don’t love

β™₯ Lake Tahoe has my heart and soul

β™₯ My sister used to be BritneyΒ Spears’ personal assistant

β™₯ I am obsessed with rain

β™₯ I can name all 50 states in alphabetical order

β™₯ My natural hair color is the blackest brown

β™₯ I would rather spend a ridiculous amount of money on traveling, than some investmentΒ piece for my closet

β™₯ I’ve had the same best friend since the 1st grade

β™₯ I was a Delta Gamma at San Diego State University

β™₯ I’d pick pool over beach any day

β™₯Favorite advice Mom ever gave me: Smile at a nerd πŸ™‚

Thanks for checking out the blog, and be sure to follow me on Instagram if youΒ aren’t already! XO


33 responses to “Behind the Blogger”

  1. Evelyne says:

    Omg my fiend!! This is my favorite post of yours ever!!! I loved that I knew some of these things about you and loved learning the new stuff!! Love you

  2. Kristina says:

    I love to get to know the blogger behind better! These facts about you are so funny πŸ™‚

  3. I used to live at Tahoe growing up and it is hands down the place where my soul is happiest. I love getting to know you, and now am sure we would be friends!

    Whitney & Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  4. Andrea says:

    OK, now I am convinced I am your long long “Oldest” sister…I cannot get over the same loves…beef and broccoli minus the broc, I am not a wing it girl, I love rain, it’s raining now in fact, I went to my UPS man’s wedding, no joke, I pick pool over beach and I am a fanatic online shopper and on and on and people used to tell me, in my younger days I looked like Britney Spears, did you see the pic when I dressed up like her schoolgirl costume? LOVE this look into what makes you beautiful you and LOVE you even more now!!!! And another confession, I added your sorbet top to this week’s Blended Blog fashion but is it bad, I want you to be my favorite every week!!! You’re the best and will always be my favorite Cali girl!! Muah..xoxo Have the BEST weekend, we are headed to Vegas and going to see “One”

  5. Such a fun post! And ahhhh Britney, I hope you were able to meet her! And girl… I don’t have a white kitchen either. We actually went with darker granite in the kitchen and bathrooms which in my opinion is more classic anyway. Just not suitable for good blog pictures around the house. As much as I love the beach, I prefer to swim in a pool too <3
    Green Fashionista

  6. OMG – your dress is gorgeous. But I have to say my favorite part of the post is your fear of bees. I’m Apiphobic too! I look crazy walking around during the summer and it’s so unfortunate because I love flowers and warm weather! Haha. Lovely post, xo!

    Jen Lax |

  7. katelyn says:

    this was super cute! & I think we have somethings in common like going to the movies (B&B)was the first time in awhile since I was there…our dogs Riley (awe, so cute) and your sister was BS assistant!? I bet you have some good stories lol -my cousins saw her at Denny’s when she was w/ Justine Timberlake –longggg time ago–

    totally, loved this post


  8. Bojana says:

    Just stumbled across your blog via link up and already love it. Many things made me chuckle but the making friends with the postman is awesome.

  9. Had to laugh that you went to your mail man’s wedding! Too funny! I get a lot of mail, too. This is such a gorgeous photo of you and I also would have never guessed your natural hair color was so much darker!


  10. Rachel says:

    Love this post, Shauna! As if I didn’t know how much we were alike after meeting last year, this has confirmed it! I’m with you on going to the movies, we haven’t been in 5 years either!! And yes, I can name all the states in alphabetical order too — do you know the song?? We had to learn it in 3rd grade haha! That’s too funny about the postman, I feel like I know our postman pretty well but I’m not on your level haha! This is such a gorgeous picture of you and I still can’t get enough of that dress! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Shauna!!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde’s Moment

  11. Molly says:

    Yessss! Dave Matthews Band!


  12. Ashley says:

    Loved learning more about you, lady! And I’m like you- soooo not a “let’s wing it” kinda girl. πŸ™‚

    Le Stylo Rouge

  13. Deena says:

    Aw, this made me love you even more. Loved learning about you. But Britney Spears??? She’s my favourite…so jealous!

  14. Erin says:

    AHHHH sissy, this made me smile from ear to ear!!! I love that you shared all of these awesome things about yourself…and of course Moms golden rule ;)Love you to pieces! <3 XOXO

  15. Ruth says:

    Aw so fun to read a little more about you! I love Dave Matthews too!

  16. Meagan says:

    Such a treat to see your pretty face on this post–you are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing some tidbits about yourself with us…I LOVE how you went to your delivery man’s wedding. Too funny!! πŸ™‚


  17. Kelly K says:

    Loved learning more about you! These posts are always so fun to read! SO FUNNY that you went to your post-man’s wedding! I can’t believe I haven’t made friends with mine yet!

    Rosy Outlook

  18. Nina says:

    This is first time I saw you without sunnies, I think, and at first, I didn’t recognize you, what a shame haha. I loved reading about you, Shauna. You look amazing. I never liked going to the movies either.

    Nina’s Style Blog

  19. The says:

    This post was so much fun love! Hahah I eat chocolate like it’s a food group, so I think we’re fine, right? And so fascinating that you don’t like the movies, haha it’s one of my “happy places”.

    Have a lovely weekend Shauna! Xx

  20. Jill says:

    I love this post and learning these fun facts about you! Candy is definitely a food group for me too and I love your Mom’s advice!

    Doused In Pink

  21. Amy says:

    Aw I love this! Such a good idea because I really feel like I know you but in reality I didn’t know any of this. I agree with you and Jill, candy is a food group. πŸ˜‰

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  22. Liz says:

    This is such a fun post! Love the post man story haha!! I am sweets fanatic myself and can name the 50 states in alphabetical order. It definitely freaks people but it comes in handy more than one might think πŸ˜‰


  23. Jennie says:

    Oh, this was a Fabulous post, Shauna! It was cool getting to know more about you. I love the mailman story. πŸ™‚ Thanks for linking up and have a wonderful weekend!

  24. Shelly says:

    Love these little tidbits! I honestly am not sure I’ve ever seen you without your sunglasses

  25. jacqui says:

    Thanks for sharing, I simple adore this dress, the colours are perfect for summer, I going to look for similar here. Jacqui

  26. Michelle says:

    Mmkay. I need to read your blog more often (that reminds me. I probably ought to BLOG more on my OWN) πŸ™‚ I love learning little facts about people, mostly because it usually turns out that the people I feel close to actually have a lot in common with me! Yah for DMB, candy all day errryday, pools, travel, trying to find humor everywhere, and feathers feathers feathers. Thank you for sharing your beautiful self with all of us!!

  27. Abby says:

    This was a fun post to read, Shauna. I love getting to know a few things about you. PS – love that dress you’re wearing!! Such a big fan of your style πŸ™‚

    Abby of Life in the Fash Lane

  28. amy says:

    As the mother of a nerdy son I love your mother’s advice. I wish a pretty girl like you would smile at him. He’s been hurt so many times. I love how you would rather spend money on travel than an investment piece in your closet. I couldn’t agree more.

  29. Can I first say, yay for a personal post! And when I first clicked over here I was like, hey it’s your whole face, I see eyes!!! πŸ™‚ Okay I live in the OC too and haven’t found a good chinese place, where are you going because I need to go there too, hehe. And yes to candy as a food group, specifically Swedish fish, those have my heart all day everyday…which I gave up for Lent and it’s KILLING me. Love that you went to your post mans wedding, haha. Thanks for sharing!

  30. Random question: When you do your outfit posts, you always have sunglasses on, do you do your eye make up? Or do you just throw on some foundation and lipstick and call it a day? Cause that’s what I would totally do, hehe.

  31. Such a fun post, and you look beautiful! I always love hearing more about my favorite bloggers!

  32. Lola says:

    “I would rather spend a ridiculous amount of money on traveling, than some investment piece for my closet” – Yaaas, I totally agree on this one! Although I wouldn’t mind having a Birkin bag in my closet – but that will never happen!

    Also, this is the first time I see you ithout sunglasses, you always wear them in your outfit shots, I think you should show your eyes a bit more, you look really lovely! πŸ˜€

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