Lipgloss and Lace
February 29th, 2016


When I found out that I was attending the grand opening of Rachel Zoe’s pop up store in LA, the first thoughts running through my head were the following: “I DIE”, “IT’S BA-NA-NAS”, and “OMG, THIS IS SO MAJ”.
 If you know anything about this fashion icon, then you know those are her famous phrases, and all three of them were pretty much running through my mind as I headed to her store. Over the past few months, I’ve had some pretty incredible opportunities, thanks to this little blogging world (meeting DVF was my total fashion highlight of last year!). But this was THE Rachel Zoe. The woman who’s career I have followed for the past 15 years, and who is single handily the reason behind every boho look that I have created in my head and then have worn in real life.
And I was about to meet her.
The store itself was absolutely gorgeous, and absolutely so Zoe. Lots of open space and natural light, with whites and ivories to make for a relaxed environment. She spent her time styling and chatting amongst the guests. I had my total fan girl moment when I was speaking to her and on a whim decided to show her my blog. OMG! Of course I showed her this post and gushed over how she had been my inspiration not only for a series of posts, but for how I dress in my everyday life as well. She was very gracious and thanked me, and it was at that moment I was hoping we were going to become BFF’s and head out for some margaritas together. But alas – that did not happen, and I headed back home without my new best friend.
Needless to say, it was a total bucket list moment for me, and truly a day that I will never forget (I may or may not have already developed the picture of us, bought a frame for it and hung it in my walk in closet – not sorry!).
Thank you so much for reading! Wishing you all a wonderful & fashionable week ahead~ 

77 responses to ““BA-NA-NAS””

  1. Lindsay Ava says:

    Looks like a fun event! I love your hair here 🙂

  2. Tara says:

    Must have been such an amazing experience!

  3. Omg!!!! I can’t believe you went to her pop up and met her!!! Amazing!! You look fab!


    Whitney & Blaire

    Peaches In A Pod

  4. Brittany says:

    OMG that’s awesome!! I am obsessed with her! You are so lucky- I would definitely frame that pic!


  5. Wow, what a great experience!! Looks like such a fun event!!

  6. This is AMAZING!!! So happy a dream came true for you!! You looked gorgeous too, I was like Shauna could be the famous one too!! 😉

  7. Alecz says:

    Oh my goodness, what an amazing opportunity! And you look incredible. I love the floral top and your hair is beautiful!

  8. Anaivilo says:

    Wow, that is so cool!! I bet it was a fun event 😀

  9. Amy Ann says:

    OH MY GOSH! This is just too cool. How fun!!

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  10. Rachel says:

    OMG!!! How exciting is this?! What an amazing experience and the store looks gorgeous! I’m sorry the margaritas didn’t happen! Loved your outfit too!

    xo, Rachel
    A Blonde’s Moment

  11. Ivete says:

    I die! That is so cool! What a great experience, Shauna. Rachel Zoe is totally #boss.

  12. Wow that is totally awesome – Have a fab week ahead!


  13. rakhshanda says:

    Fabulous clicks <3 Lucky you!!!! Love your outfit too <3

  14. Megan says:

    NO WAY!!!! That is so so cool! Rachel Zoe is my idol!!!

  15. Rachel says:

    What a fun event and you met a fashion icon!

  16. Kelsey&Kenecha says:

    Beautiful photos!


  17. chelsea says:

    SO MAJ!!! I am so happy you met her, she is such an icon! I love her new store, how fun! You look beautiful and it looks like you two are best friends! What a bucket list moment indeed. Love your outfit.

    XO Chelsea

  18. AHHHH So amazing!!!! What a dream come true!! So happy you got to meet her!!! <3

    xx Olivia

  19. Jennie says:

    Wow – what an incredible opportunity! I know you were beyond ecstatic. Great photos and I love the photo of you and Rachel!

  20. Jennifer says:

    What a fun event! You look beautiful as always!

    xo, Jennifer

  21. jackie says:

    OMG! Total fan girl moment! I’m living vicariously thru you!! What a fun event and moment for you! Thanks for sharing with us!

    xo, jackie

  22. What a wonderful experience and you even got a photo with her!!! So, so cool!!!


  23. Rachel says:

    Yay! I am glad you got to meet your style icon. You two look like best friends!
    Rachel xo

  24. LISA says:

    What an amazing experience! How fun!

    Daily Style Finds

  25. Lindsey says:

    So fun! I meant to get over to the pop-up shop this weekend but alas, midterms and other events got in the way. Also, I need that “It’s Bananas” shirt so bad. I die.

    – Lindsey, The Fashion Barbie

  26. OMG!! This is amazing! What a fun and exciting opportunity! Great pics!:)


  27. Maria Garcia says:

    Great experience. You are lucky one. Also your outfit is awesome.


  28. how fun is that! i would have loved to gone!

    Sandy a la Mode

  29. Jalisa says:

    Shauna, how awesome is this?! What a wonderful, well deserved opportunity! You looked absolutely stunning and you can see the inspiration you take from Rachel, yet make your own, in your style. You go girl! I would’ve totally developed that photo and hung it up, too! Haha! Thanks so much for sharing and I hope you have the best start to your week!



  30. The photos show an awesome time! 🙂

    Looking lovely! 🙂

    YouTube | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram

  31. Shannon says:

    Omg I am so jealous!!! What an awesome experience! You booth look fab!

    <3 Shannon
    Upbeat Soles

  32. Oh my goodness, definitely a framer!! What an amazing experience. You both look gorgeous!

  33. Cielo says:

    What a wonderful experience! Great photos! =)

    – Cielo
    Mermaid in Heels

  34. Hayley Larue says:

    I drive by her store literally everyday!! SO exciting you attended! <3

  35. Karen says:

    OMG I’m so jealous! I love Rachel Zoe, and I would totally have framed the pic too!


  36. says:

    OMG I WOULD HAVE DIED!!! and would have randomly said her famous phrases like a dork. what an awesome experience!!

  37. Darcy says:

    Oh my gosh how amazing!!!!

  38. Sheela Goh says:

    Major fangirl moment!!!!

  39. Molly says:

    So jealous you met her! She’s the best!


  40. sophie says:

    You met DVF last year!!!I’d love to be you right now coz that’s a big thing.Anyway this one was a great opportunity too.Love the pictures

  41. Mary Kate says:

    Ok, I’m seriously jealous you got to meet Rachel Zoe! She is incredible! This event looks amazing girl, I’m so glad you shared it with us!

    Mary Kate

  42. Ashley says:

    How amazing! I love RZ- she’s so talented and such a personality. 🙂

    Le Stylo Rouge

  43. Rachel says:

    I am totally jealous and amazingly happy for you! So maj!! The store looks fabulous and you do too!! Make today work, Rachel –CubicleCouture

  44. Congrats!!! What an awesome opportunity for you. The pic of you two together is beautiful, no wonder you framed it!!!
    Tuesday Fashion Party Link Up

  45. Laura says:

    How fun to meet such a fashion icon! What an amazing opportunity!

  46. Jessica says:

    It looks like you had a great time!

  47. Melissa says:

    I am so freaking jelly!! You got to meet Rachel Zoe!! How amazing! I really need to step my blogging game up so I can start getting invited to these kind of great events. LOL Congrats!!!

  48. Tatiana says:

    Such a great post! So great you meet Rachel Zoe! Love the pictures and every detail at the event!

    We Shop in Heels

  49. Vanessa says:

    Shauna, this is so exciting! Love Rachel Zoe and how cute! I saw her son’s came too! The store looks like, like YOU!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  50. Hi Tea Style says:

    Wow, that is amazing! You look beautiful! Love your outfit and the photos!

  51. michelle says:

    OMG this is amazing! Looks like a great time

  52. I totally LOL’d at your title!!! I started saying that back when I watched her show religiously and my husband just looked at me with eyes that wanted to say “Do I even know you?”
    I can’t believe you had this opportunity, congrats! I’m soooo jellyy.

    Xo Melissa

  53. elizabeth says:

    What an amazing experience!! That is so cool. Not many people get to meet their idol like that, how exciting 🙂

  54. artadorned says:

    You look amazing, I love her so much. I’m sure you had an amazing time.

  55. Ashley says:

    Rachel Zoe is such an incredible style icon! How exciting that you got to meet her! I almost had the chance last year when she opened up the first Dream Dry in Chicago but ended up having to work a job instead… kicking myself for missing that opportunity!


    Ashley || Sed Bona

  56. Meg says:

    I am SO jealous you met Rachel Zoe. I freakin’ love her! She is so talented and smart. I totally would have been fangirling as well so no shame 😉 Great look!

  57. How fun! Love Rachel Zoe, and her store looks amazing! Thanks so much for joining us on our first link up today!

  58. Heidi says:

    SO amazing Shauna! What a great opportunity and a total bucket list moment for sure! Happy to hear that she was so lovely to you in person.

    Heidi || Wishes & Reality

  59. Jill says:

    Love Rachel Zoe! What a fun event and amazing experience!

    Doused In Pink

  60. Stephanie says:

    That is so awesome!!! How exciting that you got to meet Rachel zoe!

  61. Abbie says:

    So fun! Oh my word. That blush jacket and floral blouse? Need.

  62. Carrie says:

    Oh, wow! Rachel Zoe…how fab was that!

  63. Brooke says:

    How awesome!!! I love how she has on her totally chic face in your picture together! 🙂

    pumps and push-ups

  64. MC says:

    OMG! This is seriously so amazing! Bucket list: check!

  65. Deena says:

    Oh wow. I would lose my marbles. What an awesome opportunity for you!

  66. Ana Luiza says:

    You’re so lucky! When she was here in Seattle you couldn’t get near her. Looks like a blast!
    -Ana Luiza
    Northwest Blonde

  67. Such an amazing experience! I love Rachel Zoe as well, it would be so cool to meet her!

    Annessa /

  68. Akaleistar says:

    How awesome that you got to meet Rachel Zoe!

  69. Red Reticule says:

    Wow! How great! I love that photo of you and Rachel!

  70. Jess says:

    first, love the floral blouse and the springy look, so pretty! So cool you went to this event and you both look great in the photos. What wonderful events you have attended too 🙂 Looks fun
    Thank you for linking up with Turning heads Tuesday
    jess xx

  71. Monica says:

    that is amazing!!!! Thanks for linking up with me last week, hope to see you again tomorrow. I’ll be pinning this to the linkup Pinterest board.

  72. Hayley says:

    Looks so fun and cool to be able to experience that! Hoping that I will be able to attend something like that in the near future! BTW love your outfit!

    XO, Hayley

    Topshop Tulip

  73. Wow, what a great experience!! Looks like such a fun event!

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